Thursday, August 30, 2012

Band Info

If you would like to give your child the opportunity to explore music in a band setting, would you please attend the Instrument Display Program on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at the Wellman Elementary gym at 6:30.  PLEASE NOTE THE TIME!!  Music representatives from Griggs Music of Washington, and West Music of Coralville will be on hand to explain their programs for getting an instrument.  They have a variety of rental and purchase plans that can fit just about any person’s situation.  Attending the program does not bind you in any way to purchase an instrument.  If you already have an instrument for your child, please attend the first portion of the program, as you will receive information concerning all aspects of the program.  Undoubtedly there will be conflicts with the date, and you cannot make it.  If this is the case,  please call and let me know so I can get the information to you.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome to Kalona Elementary!

5th grade welcomed one new student this year.  Rylee comes to us from Williamsburg.  She enjoys dance, reading, and drawing.  We have discovered that she is quite an artist!

The Marshmallow Challenge

The Marshmallow Challenge was a great team building activity for the first day.  Teams had to work together to build the tallest free standing structure out of spaghetti sticks, tape, and string.  Two towers stood and two towers fell when time was up, but students had fun working together and summarized the importance of teamwork at the following website:

 Here are the big ideas. . .

1.  All team members are responsible for the work
2.  Help each other--we have a common goal
4.  Two heads are better than one
5.  A task can take less time when there are more people tackling it

Fact Triangles

Today in math we cut out the fact triangles that come in the back of our math journal.  Your child should be bringing these home in their Friday Folder.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have them practice them at home each night or even in the car on the go--doing multi-digit multiplication problems, learning division, etc. can be EXTREMELY frustrating if a student struggles with basic facts.  In fact, one of our learning targets for Unit 1 is that students know their multiplication facts and use them correctly in their work.  If you need other ideas for practice, please let me know!


We took our first spelling pretest today.  The pretest should be coming home in the Friday Folder.  The spelling list should be stapled in your child's planner; that way they have the list whether they are at school or at home.  We also try to keep the list updated on the blog.  The posttest will be next Friday, August 31st.  Spelling pages will be completed at school during reading time with Mrs. Hochstetler. 

Teacher Contacts: